Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week I don't have anything to say in the hello message but this week has been amazing so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I (think I) have said this before (on my blog) and (if I haven't) I am saying it again! This is literally Instagram:
Instagram: NSFW content is more dangerous than antisemitism.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
I was eating cheddar and smoked paprika flavoured mini cheddar's and I came across this one, I think they added a little too much seasoning, LOL!
The best conversation, LOL(!):
Tuesday was pancake day so we made some THICC pancakes!
The only Putin I like, LOL!
Also talking about Putin and this type of stuff, I saw this yesterday, what the fuck, LOL!
I have a sex toy account requesting to follow me, LOL!
Apparently ITV has axed "You've Been Framed"... Very unfortunate, I loved that show when I was a kid. Apparently it was airing for 33 years which I didn't know until now. I thought it started in the early 2000's since Harry Hill started narrating it.
My favorite fact: There is stuff you don't know you don't know.
I'll just leave this here, LOL(!):
I found out when you are sharing an Instagram story, in the Instagram story editor/maker you can click the story to make it go full screen! This means I won't have to resize my Instagram stories when I share them to my other accounts stories!
On Friday I got home to find a parcel in my post for me, I haven't ordered anything so I was confused until I opened it and found out my fiance brought it for me and had it sent to my address, LOL!
Yesterday I saw an ad for "Disney 100" and I've only just noticed Disney is going to be 100 years old this year.
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
Anime and cartoons:
This week I finished rewatching "K-on!" and honestly it's so amazing that I've decided to read the manga and I normally don't read manga, as a matter of fact I've only read one manga which was back in 2019 and I haven't even finished it yet so I should probably read the rest of it as well.
4 new "Miraculous ladybug" episodes and the new "Owl house" episode are now on Disney plus so I need to watch them soon! Also I noticed that there adding more anime to Disney plus, I forgot to mention last time but "Bleach" is on there plus "Tokyo Revengers" is now on there. I can't wait to see if they add more anime!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!