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What LC thinks and stuff 199

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing and on Thursday it was officially 300 days since me and my bf have been together so I had Thursday off instead of Wednesday so we could go out and I had a nice big burger!

Anyway this is blog 199 meaning next week is the 200th blog! YAY! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

As mentioned last week the conversation was still going on but it pretty much just ended Sunday morning before I posted last weeks blog and there has been no responses since:

Anyway "Gnostic alchemy" late on responded to my other comment which she liked and honestly she makes no fucking sense:

After this I thought she was done but then she responded an hour later asking for a link as to where I found this information but I decided not to respond because I said I was done and there is no point in giving the link since she kept posting propaganda and ignoring facts. Truth seekers tell you to look into stuff but don't look into stuff themselves which is one massive problem with the community. This conversation along with the fact I've been wanting to make one for a while led me to create a pyramid of the elite and there antisemitism. Anyway lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

She reminds me of my mom, LOL!

She looks like my mom

On Monday one of my green tea bags was somehow ripped open and I only found out when I added water, unfortunate.

Literally me, LOL!

My brother said "move your fat juicy ass out of the way and sit down", imagine saying that to me in MY HOUSE, LOL!

My brother (jokingly) said "The royal family should go on Jeremy Kyle if his show was still around" and my other brother said "if they were on there I would like to be in the audience just so I can go and punch them(the royal family) in the face", LOL!

It was posted 3 times? LOL! What the fuck happened MeWe.

This is probably my new favorite sign in my house, LOL!

Random LC thought: "Remember drop slides"

I randomly remember drop slides, I fucking loved them when I was a kid, LOL! But honestly those slides were dangerous as fuck since they were just a vertical drop. It makes me wonder if they still have these slides at play areas.

It's ok to be obsessed with me, LOL!

I was wondering what my sister had on Friday so I asked her and she said "I have breast pads" so obviously I asked her why and she (jokingly) said "because there for you", LOL!

You can't deny this, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

This is a long one and is regarding "Black Rock Shooter" media so I split it up into bullet points:

  • This week I watched "Black Rock Shooter: Dawn Fall", which is one of only 3 anime I can find on Disney plus, and I fucking loved it! They left us on one of those "cliffhangers"(if you could call it that) which makes it seem like there will be a second season which I am hoping there will be but I honestly don't know if there will be one.

  • There is also another anime called "Black Rock Shooter", featuring the same characters, which I also watched this week and honestly it was very different from "Dawn Fall" and I thought it was weird. I was going to say I didn't like it because I didn't like the first 4 episodes and half of episode 5 but I did end up liking the other half of episode 5 and the last 3 episodes. It wasn't good but it wasn't bad, that's all I can really say about it but I honestly preferred "Dawn Fall" which was way better. There is also what I thought was a short but that turned out to be the music video for a song, with the same name as the anime and featuring the characters from the anime, which is used as the opening for the anime and is from supercell which is why the opening (and ending) sounded familiar to me because I've heard them before since I listen to supercell.

  • And there is an OVA which isn't dubbed but is apparently very similar to "Black Rock Shooter" so there is no point in watching it.

Anyway I've also finished "Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari" which I loved and tonight I will be finishing "Spy x Family"!

This week I heard "Inside job" has been cancelled... Hopefully this isn't true because I fucking loved it!


As mentioned I've been wanting to create a pyramid of the elite for a while and I've finally created it, I also created another version of it the pyramid of the elite and there antisemitism (and antizionism) which shouldn't have surprised me but still did because the antisemitism (and antizionism) gets increasingly bad/worse as you go up the pyramid:

Also talking about this, this week I watched "The Whistleblowers: Inside the UN" which I've been wanting to watch for a while and honestly I don't know what to say, the UN is worse than I thought...

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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