Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Unfortunately this week I went back to work, I even had to go in to work on Wednesday but luckily it was only a few hours, and that unfortunately meant that my bf had to leave on Tuesday but we did have an amazingly amazing two weeks plus he is back since its the weekend! Anyway this week was going amazingly amazing until I found a document, which I will talk about in a bit, and until I had to deal with more antisemitism disguised as antizionism so lets get into that stuff first!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Imagine claiming not to hate but spreading hate also even though she disagrees with my previous comments, they liked my other comment which debunked someone else, LOL! They make no sense especially when they deny my people's origin by believing in "Black Hebrew Israelites". (The conversation is still going on.)
Honestly as I said, I doubt my PDF will do anything which genuinely upsets me especially when people like this completely ignore my people's suffering. Also talking about my PDF, I don't know how but I forgot to post it on Twitter:
Anyway as mentioned I came across this document and even though it's a "discharge" document it isn't exactly a happy document. I don't exactly know what to do with it but I'm thinking of getting rid of it.

Anyway lets get into this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
Last Saturday was my friends birthday, which I forgot to mention last week, and she is my pussy in my server so this joke was made, LOL!

This is very accurate, LOL!

So I got a spoon so I could start making cereal but for some reason the spoon was almost completely flat, LOL! Anyway I said "why is this spoon flat" and my brother responded with "Because it's flat like your chest", very rude, LOL! I then tried to get some milk but notice we didn't have any so I said "We have no milk" so my bf said "Well it's time to milk you then", LOL! Also I apparently sat on the spoon, that's why it's flat, LOL!

We were taking the Christmas decorations down and my sister walked in singing "If your happy and you know it" but instead of saying "clap your hands" she said "clap your ass", LOL! So obviously I responded by actually clapping with my ass and she said "how the fuck did you do that without moving?" She will never know but I can twerk without moving most of my body, LOL!
This strawberry cake was fucking amazing! It was delicious!

I'm hentai!
Also I love the responses(!):

I came across these knickers and they look fucking amazing! I brought the green ones and some hot pink coloured ones, I fucking love them!

LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

Anime and cartoons:
My brother sent me a Disney plus group watch so we could watch "Bluey" together, LOL! Anyway I've watched all available episodes on Disney plus but two episodes weren't available because one of them was removed because it had a racist term in it, even though one of the other episodes had the same term in it but was edited and was available on Disney plus, and the other episode wasn't available because of "sex education" because the dad pretended to give birth, LOL! Anyway I watched both of those episodes online(YouTube and Internet Archive). But according to Wikipedia there are currently 141 episodes out but I've only watched 131 meaning Disney plus has 10 missing episodes (not including the banned ones I mentioned) so I guess I'm going to have to wait until Disney adds them. Also my brother said that Bandit (the dad) and Chilli (the mom) remind him of me and my boyfriend, LOL!

There was a lot of pictures in this weeks blog, I should probably cut down on them LOL! Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!