Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Yesterday was Christmas so I hope you all had an amazing Christmas! Also last week was the beginning of winter so happy winter! Anyway last week I had 2 days at work, technically 1 and a half since I had half a day on Tuesday, so now I am off until next year and my bf Finished work on Friday and will be staying at my place for the next few weeks which is amazing! Anyway lets get into the week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
This year for my Christmas presents and stocking I got a lot of chocolate, especially Reese's, as usual, candy cain's, 12 different flavoured hot chocolates, Haribos, Sour Patch Kids, Pringles, Rubik's tower twister, remote controlled colour changing USB LED RGB TV mood lights and a JVC Amazon fire TV! My friends and bf are also buying me more stuff because there also turning one of the extra rooms into a room for my computer, games and stuff! (The room should be completed in about a month) Which is amazing!

Random and funny stuff of the week:
Weird NSFW thoughts:
Imagine using a dildo as an arrow and shooting it into a pussy, LOL!
I don't know why but a certain zip folder won't open on my computer but will open on my phone, my tablet and an app I downloaded on my computer. All other zip folders will open but that one won't open because it's "invalid", I know it isn't corrupted since it opened on other devices and on the app on my computer. I have no idea why it isn't opening normally like all the other zip folders.
I was going through my old stuff and found my Yu Gi Oh cards, I don't know how many there are but there is (probably) over a thousand cards. I got most of them for Christmas between 2014-2017. (I think I started collecting them in 2013 which is when I started watching Yu Gi Oh, the first series I saw was Yu Gi Oh Zexal, which is personally my favorite)

I haven't mentioned this yet and I've been wanting to mention it for a while but my discord bot went down in November and surprised hasn't activated again. It usually activates every month after it goes down for a few days but it hasn't reactivate for over 21 days so I guess it's permanently down now. It doesn't matter anyway because it was never used.
I was walking through the living room and my brother was watching a YouTube video about a haunted house and in the video it said something like "Women were seen up there, where the banging noises were coming from" and obviously he took this out of context which made me laugh, LOL! I can't stop laughing!
My brother said my dream job is a pole stripping scientist so I guess its time to become a pole stripper, LOL!
My sister said "Us Jews are very juicy", LOL! Yes we are very juicy, LOL!
I don't know why but some of the text in my stories, on Instagram, was glitchy but it went back to a few days ago. Very weird.
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

Anime and cartoons:
This week I watched "Kotaro Lives Alone", which was amazing but it did have some sad moments, I hope there will be a second season though! I also watched "Hanayamata", which was amazing, I wish there was another season but unfortunately there isn't. Anyway as usual, around Christmas, I rewatched "Save me lollipop"!
Anyway I also watched "Sonic Prime" and they left us on a cliffhanger but I can not wait for the next episodes!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!