Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Tomorrow is my bf's birthday so on Wednesday I brought him an amazing present so I can't wait for him to open it! Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I don't know what's wrong with my Instagram @lc_cherubim but I am unable to do collaborations with my other account because there isn't an option to do collabs which is annoying. I'm hoping it goes back to normal soon. (This means I haven't posted last weeks picture which I posted on the blog.)
Random and funny stuff of the week:
ITV does have an archive which might have been helpful for my search but I very much doubt I could access it since it isn't for the public. I don't like the BBC much but I have to say that the BBC is better when looking for archives since there's is free.

Anyway I've given up on trying to find proof that "Sam and cat" was on CITV because I literally can not find any evidence it was on there, even though I remember watching it along with "Victorious".
Also talking about ITV, I love the new ITV theme, it looks amazing! And ITV X has anime! It has "Your lie in April", "Gurren Lagann" and "Tokyo Ghoul"! THIS APP WILL BE AMAZING!

Also talking about BBC, "Children in need" was on so I spent 3 hours watching it!
On Monday I woke up an hour and a half early so I decided to wait for my alarm to go off so I decided to stay in bed but I was getting annoyed waiting for the alarm, LOL!
Also on Monday I got to leave work early, which hasn't happened for a while but this meant I had more time to do random stuffs!
It's been fun watching Matt Hancock on "I'm a celebrity" so it's unfortunate that he wasn't chosen for the trials this week, LOL!
This is exactly what I wanted to see, LOL!

Also if you still have your DS then contact me, LOL!

The world population was apparently due to reach 8 billion on Tuesday, I checked and... ITS FUCKING 8 BILLION!

I kicked my sister up the ass because she was in the way and she responded with "that hurt" so my brother respond with "that's gay", LOL!
Goat simulator 3 is finally out!

So I ate an entire block of cheese because why the fuck not, LOL!
This is literally me, LOL!
Part 2 of "Inside Job" is now on Netflix so I definitely need to watch it! Also season 4 of "Young Sheldon" was recently added to Netflix so I need to watch that too.
Well fuck, one of my favorites chocolate bars is no longer approved and thinking about it, my favorite brand of tea is no longer approved...

"Marshmallow head" is an amazing "insult" from my mom, LOL!
I've finished watching "Xam'd: Lost Memories" which I thought was good but not amazing (which is a change since I say most of the anime I watch are amazing, LOL!) anyway I won't be watching anime for a while since I want to watch "Redakai", I also want to finish "Gormiti", since I haven't even finished it yet, and I have "Inside Job" and "Young Sheldon" to watch now!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!