Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Last night the clocks went back an hour, honestly I hate how we have to turn the clocks back but one good thing about it was that I got an extra hour in bed with my bf, LOL! Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I've reported antisemitic accounts and posts but they have never been taken down, this just shows us Jews DON'T control the media. I've posted NSFW content on my story and that gets taken down so I guess sex and sexual things are more dangerous than people threatening Jews.

We have a new PM again and honestly it's not a surprise it's him since he did nearly win last time:

Anyway lets get into this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
It's both, it's always both, LOL!

I was getting a lot of follow requests last weekend and honestly I sometimes get the most random account requesting to follow me. Such as this one which appears to be a Jewish chocolate shop in London:

Me in the morning with my tea:

Only my brother can take the comment "hard pears are less sweet and soft pears are sweeter" out of context, LOL!
"I'm too horny so I had to go to the hospital to have my horns removed. That's why I'm an angel." LOL!
I got a notification that someone found my review, for purple tea, helpful, LOL!

Apparently according to one of my brothers and sisters I look like a barbie doll, LOL!
Imagine not wearing this costume, LOL!

So my brother somehow didn't know who came up with the theory of evolution and said "Isaac Newton did evolution" so I responded with "He didn't do evolution" so my brother respond with one of his normal comment which was "Our mom did evolution", LOL!
Yes because there memes, Google files.

Also I can't wait to see what happens to Twitter since Elon Musk now owns it. Twitter will become very interesting!
LC art/Art of LC (and research?):
This week I spent my time creating this picture, it is one of my favorite pictures! I've called it "בת ציון עין אלוהים" which is explained by its meaning which I've added as the last (two) slides:
Also the picture is just a biblically accurate me, LOL!

I've finished watching "My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU" which was amazing! And now I have started watching "Hyouka"!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!