Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Friday was the first day of autumn so it is finally autumn so happy autumn! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week: I love when the shower water is boiling, I seriously wish I could stay in water forever even if it is boiling!
On Monday I made two cheese and tomato toasties for breakfast and they are amazing! I think I'm addicted to them, LOL!
I don't know if I have mentioned this before, I think I have, but I am writing a post debunking antisemitic conspiracy theories, most of them originating from Russia and the USSR, and one of them I'm debunking is the "Khazar hypothesis" and I needed proof the USSR supported it but the proof I need is from archived articles from "Pravda" and to access it I either need to be a member of a University or I need a library account/card in another country(The US) but I have found a place I can access it but I have to pay $76(what ever that is in £) to access the 4 files which is annoying. If I can find the exact file out of the 4 then all I need to pay is $19(what ever that is in £). So honestly I don't know what to do about this, I'm not waisting $76(what ever that is in £) just for 1 file out of 4.
How the fuck did Lelouch not get caught earlier, LOL!
I've spent most of this week watching "The man in the high castle", which I wanted to watch since it came out but I never got around to watching it until now.
Apparently raspberry doughnut flavoured yogurt exists but it doesn't taste like doughnuts...

In one of the rooms in my house we have a sofa in front of a radiator so on rare occasions when people sit down they accidentally bang there head on the radiator like my bf just did so I said "Luckily I'm too short for that to happen" whilst laughing, LOL!
My favorite conversation, LOL!
Yesterday we had spaghetti for dinner and because it was hot I was blowing it and my bf jokingly said "stop giving the spaghetti a blowjob", LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

I have finished watching the anime "The Demon Girl Next Door" and have started watching "The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!" which I already though was dubbed but apparently it's dub is currently airing so I guess I'll be watching another anime as it's airing.
I think I am going to start writing the endings of the blog in bold so that it stands out from the rest of the text like the titles of the sections of the blogs which I have been thinking about actually turning into headings which you can do anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!