Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was my birthday and It was amazing and again I want to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday! For my birthday me and my friends went to a sushi restaurant, It was amazing! Also whilst there they played the English version, by AmaLee, and Japanese version of "My soul, Your beats!"(The opening to angel beats) which was amazing! And For my birthday presents I finally got a giant "happy birthday" cookie! And I got Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Also my friends got me these funny balloons, not going to lie but they look like giant sperm so I said "I guess I have giant balloon sperm on my bed", LOL!
Anyway this week has been quite eventful here in the UK, on my birthday, we got a new PM:

But (Just want to say this before I get into the week:) unexpectedly the Queen died two days later but based on the news I knew it would happen soon. As I have mentioned before, I don't like the elite but may she rip.

Also before I get into this week "Angelic" humanity, or should I say satanic humanity, is 100% antisemitic:

Anyway lets move away from these unfortunate subjects and move onto this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
The first thing that comes up when I type "MMM" is "Mommy", LOL!

The new season of Rick and Morty started airing last Sunday! Also for some reason they are airing it here in the UK at 4am which is unfortunate because I'm asleep at that time so I have to watch it either in the morning or at night time the next day.

The final season of "Doc Martin" started airing on Wednesday and as usual its first episode was fucking amazing!
This week I also watched "All of Us Are Dead", on Netflix, which was also amazing! It's probably one of the best Netflix shows I've watched and personally I think it's better than "Squid game"(Which is another amazing show).
Well, I seriously don't know what to say about this, LOL!

The memes about her death are funny though.
My sister gave me these amazing art pieces!
It hasn't rained much recently but for the past week it's been raining a lot and heavily, there has also been some thunder and lightning which was nice!
Bubblegum flavoured soda is a thing and honestly it tastes quite nice.
This may sound weird but I want to say rip to my old tablet because this tablet meant everything to me because it is where I started all my current google accounts which lead to me meeting all of my current online friends and creating 64tge8st. I've had this tablet since 2015 so I was expecting this to eventually happen especially since most of the tablet wouldn't work, so I was only using it as an alarm for the past few years, so I was planning on retiring it soon but yesterday night it died and wouldn't turn back on. So may this tablet rip.

LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

Anime: THERE IS A NEW SEASON OF THE REMAKE OF SAINT SEIYA AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! I didn't know because I didn't hear any announcements about it because Netflix said nothing about it because the new season isn't on Netflix due to the fact that the second seasons distributor is Funimation. I was hoping the second season would get dubbed, because I actually want to watch the full story unlike the original animes dub which was never finished so I didn't get to see the full story, and I checked yesterday and IT HAS A FUCKING DUB! YAY! I started watching it yesterday even though it's still airing so I am currently watching two anime which are airing.

I finished watching the first three seasons of "Bungo Stray Dogs" and honestly the anime is amazing so I can't wait for the 4th season next year!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!