Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This blog is late by a few hours because I've been busy working on a new diagram for my research which I have now finished! Anyway tomorrow is a bank holiday so my bf gets to spend an extra day at my place! YAY! He booked Tuesday off too because he said he wants to take me out somewhere, he said he wanted to do it tomorrow but the place where he wants to take me will be too busy tomorrow so he decided to book a day off from work to do it on Tuesday, he also said its a (week) early birthday present so I can't wait! Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I decided to remove the Russian flag from my Instagram bio but didn't remove the "I'm half Russian" bit. I removed the flag because honestly I don't feel right having it there due to the shit my home country is doing.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
Last Sunday I still had some water in my nose, from the shower, because when I blew out of my nose it smelled like chlorinated water, it didn't bother me though because I actually like it.
I updated discord and it looks very different now! I love how darker amoled mode is!

I'll just leave this here:

Yes this is my face when I taste something good, LOL!

1133 again:

Weird conversation with my sister:
My sister: I like going to the pawn shop.
Me: why, because you like buying old vases?
My sister: Your pussy is a vase.
On Wednesday I drank 3 liters of pure orange juice, LOL!
Also on Wednesday I went to brush my teeth so I turned on the bathroom light and a moth was outside at the bathroom window trying to get into the house to get to the light, LOL!
I haven't had pasta and meatballs for ages so I made it yesterday and it was amazing!

LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

This week I rewatched "Robotic;Notes" and honestly I still love how they have to put this message at the beginning because they mentioned the committee of 300 "conspiracy theory" in the show:

As mentioned at the beginning I was making a new diagram and honestly I think this is probably the most I have ever written for a diagram... Anyway I linked the picture to the post on 64tge8st so if you want to read it you can check out the post:
Pascals tetractys, fractals, 12 and the piano:
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!