Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Last week I mentioned I was going through the blogs and unfortunately I haven't finished going through them because I've had a lot to do this week plus my computer was nearly un-usable for two days which I will talk about later in the blog anyway hopefully I will finish going through them tonight anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I seriously doubt I'll ever be going back to Russia:

Random stuff of the week:
Last Sunday I said I wouldn't wear anything on Monday and Tuesday, due to the hot weather, so after having a nice cold shower, on Sunday, I said "fuck it I'm not waiting until tomorrow to wear nothing", LOL! My friends, who live in my house, had to put up with seeing me nude until Wednesday morning but they didn't complain about it surprisingly, LOL! All I had to say about this temperature is "why?"

Also because of the hot weather I didn't use my computer much for two days because it was slower than usual and it felt hot which I assume was because of the hot weather.
Also film 4, a British tv channel which airs films as you can guess, aired a Christmas movie on Monday which is honestly weird to air on one of the hottest day ever in the UK.
I was thinking about making jelly so I checked the back of the jelly crystal package to check the date and THE JELLY IS TRYING TO SEND ME A MESSAGE! 1133!!!!!!!!!

"British Trump" and "Deep state" are trending! Twitter has been interesting today.
I now have a digital pet flower girl, LOL!

I don't like football but I've decided to watch "Galactik football" which use to be on Jetix but I didn't watch it back when it was on Jetix, because as mentioned I don't like football, and honestly the show is fucking amazing!
Solar balls is definitely one of my favorite channels now!

I really want to eat a block of cheese, LOL! Might get my bf to buy tones of cheese, LOL!
I don't like licorice so I thought I wouldn't like this flavor of tea, which to be honest is a weird flavoring option for tea, but it is fucking amazing!

Funny stuff of the week:
Me: I'll have the stuffing!
My friend: You love putting stuff in your mouth.
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

I'm rewatching "Genesis of Aquarion", one of my favorite anime, since I haven't watched it since 2019 and I just checked out the Wikipedia and found out it was apparently created by one of the main directors of the pokemon series and Shōji Kawamori, who is one of the creators of transformers, who also worked on "Ulysses 31"(which I also want to watch and was apparently on Jetix(?)), "Thunderbirds are go"(which I recently just rewatched) and he also created "Last hope", another anime I loved.
Also something interesting to note is Shōji Kawamori's "projects are usually noted to contain strong themes of love, war, spirituality or mysticism, and ecological concern", which is what Aquarion is mainly based around, which is the reason why I love quite a lot of his projects.
My new diagram is completed! The dodecahedron constructed out of trees of life:

I have also made an interesting new discussion on my website which I suggest you check out! Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!