Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! So this week I spent most of the week going through my old blogs and "sorting"(editing) them out, I haven't finished but by the end of next week I will have, I am doing this because this is the 200th blog post over all (YAY!) and I wanted to sort out the older ones soon because if I don't I would have too many post to go through and sort out. Anyway this week quit a lot happened and there will be a lot of pictures again! Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
So the creator of Yu Gi Oh died and now the former PM of Japan was shot and died. Very unfortunate times, may they both rest in peace.
Random stuff of the week:
Flyers, the opening for "Death parade", is one of the best songs! It's amazing! I became addicted to it at the beginning of the week, I was listening to it nearly all day for two days on loop. I had to say sorry to "Egao no Kimi e" because I think "Flyers might be my new favorite song, LOL!
Fish and salad baguette!

I really wanted to make jelly watermelon after I saw a video of it on Instagram! Also talking about watermelon, I had a watermelon lollipop yesterday!

Personality related pictures that I will just leave here:
I've been watching "Miraculous ladybug" and honestly it is amazing! Which isn't really a surprise knowing that it's creator worked on other shows I love!
LC random thoughts: One day there will be a last post on your (Instagram) feed and then all the (Instagram) accounts you follow would have died.
The "NWO" stones were blown up and have now been knocked down. Honestly those stones were weird as fuck and questionable, good thing there gone now.


Also KFC is fucking amazing! LOL! (Also I realized the original post was on my birthday!)
So apparently Discord gave me nitro for free for a month! Discord is fucking amazing! So I decided to boost my discord server for a month, LOL! Also because I can use other servers emojis in other servers, I came across a flower of life one which I decided to add to my server so I can use it after my free nitro ends. (I also added a "Cosmic LC" emoji and my favorite thinking emoji to my server)

Biblically accurate OwO

This is literally me, I drink too much tea and stay too hydrated, LOL!

I would drink this:

Treat everything like it's a female!

Funny stuff of the week:

LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!