Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I have had an amazing week it has been warm and sunny which was great! So today I will be updating the website because I made a new timetable which I will be adding with information also I will be adding the Xen qabalah dictionary to my website and I will be adding a new chapter to it soon which kind of links to my new post today that I will post on my website.
So this week I finished the Avengers tv show and I started to watch one of my fav tv shows that I use to watch on jetix, one of my fav old channels may it rip LOL, so as I was saying I started to watch Monster Buster Club I am having to use rabbit to watch it since I can only find season one on youtube and I can find both seasons on a website that is a massive hotspot for computer viruses, I mean I have ad block so I would be ok but I still don't trust it LOL. Also tonight Godzilla is on ITV so I will be watching that!
On Wednesday I normally have a takeaway and I had a burger ordered but I ordered a burger that had deep fried chicken on it but they sent one that had beef on it and it also tasted like mcdonalds even though it wasn't from mcdonalds.
Sad news yesterday, I fount out that Grumpy cat died, may she rip.
I have just been playing with a marble run set! I love marble run sets there so amazing I use to make massive ones when I was a kid it was so much fun, im planning on buying more so I can play with it again LOL. So I thank you for all reading this blog I love you all bye!