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What LC thinks and stuff 169

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Quite a bit happened this week, I did two types of personality tests and a few funny things happened. Talking about funny things, I haven't used the "Funny stuff of the week" section for ages and I am finally using it again, I didn't know if I should remove it or keep it but I think I might keep it. Anyway lets get into this week!

Random stuff of the week:

This is still one of the best songs!

(I was listening to it last week whilst writing the blog and it just came on as I am writing this bit!)

On Monday we got edible paper money so I was eating money, LOL!

Also on Monday we had strawberry cheesecake flavoured chocolate digestive biscuits and honestly I feel like the food here in the UK is becoming more like the food in America, anyway the biscuits were fucking amazing!

This was interesting:

Yes I am interdimensional, yes that means I am a shadow!

Another interesting "personality test", my online friend sent it me to see what I got. It's in Russian so you may need to use Google translate if you don't know Russian. Anyway these are my result!

The roses are finally growing again! I wanted to post a picture of them last year but completely forget to.

Funny stuff of the week:

Me: Octopuses have 9 brains.
My friend: So your mom is an octopus.
My other friend: So that picture of the tentacle you sent is actually your moms toy?

LOL, I'm fucking dying of laughter!

Yesterday I was heating up the microwave oven to 200°C, to make something for breakfast, and I didn't know my friend put her tea in there earlier to warm it up so I guess now she has 200°C tea, LOL!

Honestly I still wish my last name started with a "D" so my initials would my LSD.

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!


This isn't really research but it is related to 64tge8st, I finally finished making the picture showing I only have 3 Instagram accounts:

Anyway regarding my research, I haven't done much but I have started editing the wiki which I haven't done much with for about a year and a half now. I have also created this interesting picture:

The tree of life's 10 sephirot correspond to the 10 points of the tetractys. The hexagonal yod(7), which is equal to 12 when the tetractys is the first 4 lines of pascals triangle, in the center of the tetractys is a seed of life and therefore corresponds to two forms, the cubistic matrix and the vector equilibrium. The vector equilibrium is 12 spheres surrounding 1 and is therefore 12 and the vector equilibrium is also the hexaflor/hexatree(tetrahedron grid fractal) which is Ein Sof(Infinity=fractal) as a tree of life and is 12 sephirot surrounding a 13th sephirot. The hexatree Ein Sof contains the kabbalistic 10 sephirot tree of life, which originates from Ein Sof, because the hexatree is the vector equilibrium/tetrahedron grid fractal which can be entirely constructed out of trees of life therefore the tree of life and vector equilibrium/hexagonal yod of the tetractys(and the over all tetractys) perfectly overlay because they are the same.

I haven't mentioned this surprisingly but the last two blogs and this one are 167, 168 and 169 which are all important numbers in my research, especially 167 recently! Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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