Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week I don't think much happened but there is quite a lot of pictures plus quite a bit of information in the anime section anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
The "activists" are literally becoming nazis.

Random stuff of the week:
octopus cushion
On Monday a vote of confidence was going to happen in the government meaning we would have got a new PM here in the UK but unfortunately the PM won the vote so we won't be getting a new pm...

I don't know what's wrong with my MeWe app but every time I emoji a post on someone's profile the entire profile reloads, this is why I no longer emoji anyone's posts because I gave up due to it repeatedly reloading the page meaning I have to repeatedly scroll down.
My mouse pad finally arrived! Again the same problem with the picture that I had when I was taking a picture of my phone case, it looks more green/teal in real life.

So apparently we now have an app to see how long we've been together:

It's an apple:

I decided to create a "nostalgia" playlist on Spotify. I even added "Reboot" which personally is the only song that has made me cry due to the video and the fact that I saw it during the time I was depressed anyway it is still nostalgia for me and I like the song so I added it.
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
I finished watching the anime "DearS" and honestly it was a weird anime, it's the type of anime I would have watched 10 years ago; I definitely won't be watching it again.
Also I attempted to watch the anime "Thunderbirds 2086" which is quite an old anime plus it was cancelled after 18 episodes in Japan, cancelled after 13 here in the UK and was only fully aired in the US and two other countries until 2008 when it was fully aired in Japan (?). Anyway I've only watched one episode of it and the quality is shit because it was (obviously) copied from a VHS plus for some reason the episode I watched was episode 2 even though it said episode 1 so the episodes probably aren't in the right order which will be a problem because, even though each episode is its own story, there is an overarching story. I don't know if I'll watch the rest of it but at the moment it's on hold.
Anyway I have now started watching the anime "To Love Ru"!
As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, As The Universe, So The Soul: All scales of the fractal are the same therefore the inside (of the fractal) and outside (of the fractal) are the same; The soul and the universe are the same because everything is one because the universe is the fractal and the fractal is the universe:
I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!