Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been quite a busy week when regarding anime because I have surprisingly watched a lot of anime! I wasn't watching much before and honestly don't know why because I have over 50 anime I want to watch but finally I am going through them all! YAY! Anyway lets get into this week, we will talk about the anime in the anime section!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
As I was writing this I remembered that I noticed during the week that the title of the previous blog had an error, there were two "h" in "what" so I just fixed it! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
A fly pole dancing, my friend showed me this and I died laughing, LOL!
I forgot to post this in last weeks blog, due to being too busy, but Discord has party mode, LOL!

I'm pretty sure my house is haunted, even though it was built in the late 2000's and me and my friends have been the only ones living in it, because I'm pretty sure I felt someone touch my ass during night when I was in bed even though I was the only one in the room, LOL!
I think this perfectly explains me:


My tentacle:

So now my gender is "unknown", LOL! It makes sense because, as mentioned in the following picture, I know I am female and I am very feminine so I somewhat identify as female but I don't classify myself as any gender so I am in-between female and what I would say is "having no gender", I am therefore a genderless feminine person, there isn't exactly a name for it so as of now it is "unknown" and therefore it makes sense as to why I am "unknown":

I have previously mentioned this before and thinking about I should add it to my autobiography.
The library smelled like cake on Thursday which made me want cake, LOL!
My friend said "I know what type of condom Sylvia likes, mint coloured and flavoured ones", LOL!
I don't know if it's just me or it's the brand but in my opinion peach flavored sparkling water tastes like alcohol.
777 is really interesting!

LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
I watched all of season 1 of the anime "Freezing" in one night and then pretty much watched all of season 2 the next night, I didn't expect to watch all of it in two night but I did, LOL! I then watched all of the specials the next day and I'm going to say if I ever watch the anime again I will not be watching the 12 three minute specials again because they got really close to being hentai, LOL! But that isn't really a surprise since the anime itself did have quite a lot of nudity and honestly I'm surprised Funimation dubbed any of it.
I then watched all of the anime "Golden time" which I loved also I found out both of the openings are two of my favorite songs, I finally know which anime they are from!
And last night me and my boyfriend watched all of "The animatrix", an anime telling the story of the matrix before the events of the movies anyway next we will be watching all the matrix movies, which aren't anime, which I'm hoping are all still on Netflix.
777 and 77:

I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!