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What LC thinks and stuff 163

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! The blog is late again by 1 day anyway today is another bank holiday meaning my boyfriend got to stay over an extra night and gets to stay over today! YAY! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Yesterday the 1st of May, not my favorite date, 10 years. May she still rest in peace.

Random stuff of the week:

This morning I had a dream about getting married, isn't the first time it's happened this year, so I guess my brain really wants me to get married, LOL!

So Elon now owns Twitter, this will be very fucking interesting.


I need to print this off. That will be 5 SLICES of paper.

I was trying not to laugh at work when I saw this:

Yes I'm fucking confirming my purchase! I fucking need to complete rewatching iCarly!

This pop up came up for my friend and she showed me and said she looks like my older sister so I said "why the fuck does my sister want to send you nudes and why is she trying to hide her identity", LOL!

Love these ad's.

On Tuesday I got home to find out my boyfriend sent me some chocolates! I ate them all already, LOL!

So my bf is going to start making sexual jokes about me, LOL! My friend warned him to not make "offensive" jokes, he obviously won't because he isn't like that, or I would beat him, LOL! My other friend doesn't believe I would be able to beat him so he obviously went and made this comment, LOL!

Me and my bf spent 4 hours watching the last two hunger games movies on Friday night!

The blue coloured raspberry and lemon drink, I normally have, turns my tongue blue, I never noticed until my bf just told me.

My bf made ham and cheese omelette and it tasted amazing!

Inter dimensional pussy, LOL!

I am definitely some weird creature, LOL!

My phone still has a storage problem, which I am trying to sort out still, and I said my phone is weird because it had 0MB left and then all of a sudden it gained 401MB after I deleted 20MB and my brother said, in response to me saying my phone is weird, "Just like your life", LOL! Yes my life is very weird because I'm weird as fuck.

If you want to know how weird I am then all you need to know is that geometry and numbers make me excited, especially geometric tattoos on nude girls, LOL!

My brother said he is going to watch people doing rituals for me, honestly I wouldn't mind seeing people do rituals for me, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!


More personal research! Two blogs ago I said it would be about "Cosmic Cherubim Goddess", I wanted to finish this and post it in the last blog but as usual I was too busy with my boyfriend, LOL! Anyway here is Cosmic Cherubim Goddess:

This personal research actually linked into non-personal research about the 9 dimensional cube and its relationship to the 512 tetrahedron grid and 337 star:

The 8th and 77th star numbers, the 512 tetrahedron grid/9 dimensional cube, gematria and 167:

Anyway this week I got back into watching Knew Geometry's videos, I was unfortunately unable to watch for a while due to how busy I've been anyway I found his video about "Metatrons Tetraplex" very interesting and thought I would make a diagram about it, he discovered that the Tetraplex AKA the 600-cell contains all the platonic solids unlike Metatrons cube and he discovered the Tetraplex contains much more such as the 64 tetrahedron grid itself which was amazing! Knowing that the 600-cell has a connection to the 64 tetrahedron grid makes the information I know more interesting because the 600-cell is a projection of the E8 lie group which I had previously shown corresponds to the 64 tetrahedron grid, which I also corresponded to Metatrons cube. The Tetraplex makes this connection much more deeper and interesting:

Metatrons Tetraplex and the 64 tetrahedron grid/E8 lie group:

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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