Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Happy egg day! Today is Easter Sunday! Last week I didn't post the blog because as usual I was too busy with my boyfriend, I planned on writing it on Monday but I was also too busy on Monday so I was unable to. Anyway my boyfriend brought me this bounty Easter egg, he unfortunately couldn't get a Reese's egg because unfortunately they are very popular but I don't mind bounty because I fucking love bounty!

Also apart of my body is hurting because of my boyfriend but we won't get into that here if you know what I mean, LOL!
Random stuff of the week:
So my tits are being cut off and sent to my boyfriends house, LOL!

Also talking about my boyfriend, yesterday he did a BBQ for me and my friends, he didn't burn the sausages but for some reason they tasted like fireworks, probably because they were smoked sausages.
Me and one of my online friends have been watching hentai on Friday nights and because my boyfriend stays over on Friday nights he now joins me and my online friend as we watch it, LOL!
Last week I brought some amazing jam, it fucking tasted amazingly amazing! I had 4 slices of toast with the jam, I then had a sandwich, then I started eating the jam from the jar, LOL! I also mixed the jam in custard and as expected it was fucking amazing! But I felt sick after because it was very fucking sweet, LOL!
I had a weird but interesting, in my opinion, dream so I thought I would share it. I dreamed there was some (magic) paper that you could stick to doors and it would replicate the entire room, without windows, and the paper would become the door to the new room. Dreams like this really interest me.
Yes I am 100% for them!

I hate green tea, that isn't flavoured, that doesn't have sugar in it, it tastes horrible without sugar. Also talking about green tea last week I brought purple tea! The "purple" tea arrived but it was a disappointment at first because unfortunately when I first tried making the tea it was green instead of purple but I checked other reviews on other purple tea products and people said add lemon to it to make it turn purple. So I tried it with lemon and it turned purple! There should be a disclaimer saying you need to add lemon to it to make it turn purple. When I first made it I thought I spent £6 on tea that wasn't even purple and thought it was a scam but at least it somewhat wasn't. I also brought a glass cup for the purple tea:
Me and my friends were talking about clicking with our fingers and how we had to do it at school. I couldn't and still can't click with my fingers, I don't know why, but when ever we were told to do it at primary school I always use to pretend to do it and do a clicking noise with my tongue in my mouth, LOL!
Me and my friends deep throated these slush ice lollies, LOL! So don't mind us, LOL!

I watched the movie "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and it is probably one of the funniest movies I have ever watched, I loved it!
You'll never know:

I don't know why but one picture on my computer will not sync up with onedrive. Also talking about this picture, I need to finish it, it's just a picture to show I only have 3 accounts on Instagram.

After 7 years of trying to find all of season 2 of monster buster club and it then being added to Amazon prime in 2020(?) I can now officially say I have rewatched all of monster buster club! After I found out it was on Amazon prime I planned on watching it but never got around to it but luckily last week I was able to! Anyway now I'll be watching all of gormiti, which I started watching back in December. Also I just noticed that some of the old shows I'm rewatching are older than some people I know... Everytime I notice stuff like this I keep feeling old...
I didn't want to get out of bed on monday, my bed is so comfy.
Have you ever laughed and farted at the same time? It happened to me and it sounded like my fart was laughing, LOL! (And yes girls fart, everyone farts)
The new lego star wars game, all 9 games put together, is coming out so I thought I would buy the original 6 games since those were the ones I use to play on playstation 2. I'm getting the DS version since I recently started reusing my 3DS. It should be here on Tuesday! (Also don't mind what's in the search bar, that's is something else I've been looking for, LOL!)

So I had 4 bowls of pasta in one night, we made too much pasta for dinner so we had a lot of extra pasta!
I got the meatballs out of the fridge and said "I'll have some meaty balls" so my friend obviously said "I bet you will, Sylvia loves meaty balls", LOL!
I got home from work to find out there are onions growing outside of the houses on the street and we have no idea where the onions came from.
So me and my friends found out there is a song called "pantosaurus", which is a safety song for children, and one of the lines is "your pants cover up your private parts" so I said "No they don't because I'm not wearing any" and one of my friends said "wait what", LOL!
These results seem accurate.
Trying to tell people they are spreading misinformation and they don't listen and say they are going to continue spreading misinformation.

My brother as usual:
My brother said he is going to bounce on a bouncy castle so I said I'm coming and he said "you like bouncing on nuts", LOL!
My brother: what's the point of having a gaming chair if you don't play games?
Me: I love my big comfy desk chair.
My brother: that's what she said.

Cosmic Cherubim Goddess Sylvia:
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
More personal research:
The geometry that decodes reality flows out: "the infinite aether", which is light, "flows through" the flower of life like it's "blood" and flows out as the "light ray... that travels to malkuth".
Next is Cosmic Cherubim Goddess!
My website 64tge8st (and wiki) now has an official new logo:
I thought I would create one for the 2 year anniversary of the 64tge8st Instagram.
Also new diagram! Triangles form waves and numbers:

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!