Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This blog is late by a day, this has ben happening a lot recently. The reason its late is because I spent most of yesterday with my boyfriend so I obviously wasn't able to write my blog and post it meaning anyway lets get into this, what I would call very "sexual", week, LOL!
Random stuff of the week:
Why does love make me horny

As usual my brother is weird, LOL! This is yet another normal conversation with my brother:
Me: she wants a wet ass as she goes down the slide
My brother: that's a bit gay
Also talking about my brother he has said quite a few weird things this week:
My brother said "I don't want to do my R.E homework, the teacher can go and shove a fucking dildo up her vagina", what the fuck is wrong with my brother, LOL!
I was talking about the periodic table and my brother said "Sylvia(me) is on her periodic", that's a bit personal, LOL!
So I ate over half of a frozen cucumber, don't know how because the last time I ate that much cucumber I got really full, I assume it was because it was frozen this time. Also talking about cucumber, my brother said that he thinks one of my online names is "Big Cucumber Lover", making more sexual jokes because eating cucumber and having sex are two of my favorite things, LOL!
I don't have this problem, LOL!

The lab on Tuesday was fucking freezing, my nipples were hard as fuck and started to hurt, LOL!
The weather is back to being cold and boring but on Thursday morning I woke up to see it heavily snowing! It was apparently going to snow between 7 and 9pm on Wednesday but unfortunately it didn't. It's mostly been raining so the snow didn't set.
I had a weird dream that I was back in Russia at a birthday party with one of my (online) friends and we were eating my ass, LOL!
I realised most of my online friends are either at school/college/university whilst I'm over the age of 20 and go to work. How did I become friends with people who go to school/college/university, LOL!
My boyfriend surprised me by coming around to my house and not telling me, he said he also wants to stay over on Friday nights as well! We stayed up until about 3am on Friday and Saturday night, LOL! Probably shouldn't stay up so late but I don't care. Anyway I already miss my boyfriend and he has only been gone for about a day. I easily get way too attached to people I love, I think.
Also my online friends are starting to make jokes about me and my boyfriend, I fucking love these conversations, LOL! (Don't mind the massive red "line" it's basically just somewhat unrelated conversation)

How do I want to be proposed to? This is:

So I got telegram for my computer and it's rated 18+ for extreme violence, LOL! Honestly I'm not surprised with some of the shit that can be on there.

Easter is soon so I thought inside of saying "happy Easter" I'll say "happy egg day", LOL!
This week I binge watched "Thunderbirds are go" on ITV hub, it finished back in 2020 and I never actually got to finish it so I spending time watching all of it. I watched all 78 episodes in less than a week! Won't be doing something like that again.
So, yet again, one of my Instagram stories was taken down for sexual/nude stuff even though the vagina and tits were blured out and the other two stories of the post I shared, which pretty much show the exact same thing, are still up. Also, I think last week ore the week before, I literally shared a 3D hentai art on my story which literally showed a females vagina and one of her tits yet that wasn't taken down even though it looked realistic. Instagram makes no fucking sense.

Some personal research I've been doing regarding 1133:
As I've mentioned many times I always see 1133, and have been since at least late 2016, and just recently I've started to see different variations of the numbers 1 and 3 put together. Why 1133? This diagram (probably) explains why, some interesting "coincidences" and explain why 1133 is (probably) appearing!
The three different types of gematria for my full name add up to 1670, interestingly and what I don't think is a coincidence the gematria for the words "Eleven Thirty Three" is 1670 and as you should know I keep seeing 11:33! 1354, which is the sum of divisors of 1670, is 2×677 and 677 is the sum of the first two different types of gematria for Shekhinah which has a Hebrew gematria of 77(16+61) and 770(385+385) and the 77th nonagonal number=77×9=693(seconds)=11:33(minutes). I used sentences/words, with the same gematria as my name, to expand "I am a cherubim with the power of the flower of life" and explained the flower of life as the womb of Shekhinah.
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!