Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Quite a lot happened in this amazing week! Also last night the clocks changed back... Anyway today is mothers day here in the UK! Meaning my mom will be coming around in a bit meaning she will also get to see my new boyfriend! (Who she already knows) Anyway lets get into this amazing week!
Random stuff of the week:
My brother said "I bet your name will be on this video" and "angel" appeared in the video and he said "Ah here's your name because your an angel". YES IM A FUCKING ANGEL!
I want to be a cat!

I'll just be leave a few things here this week, LOL!
I always went for the rainbow one!

Recently I created an autobiography and because of that I remember a lot from the past, I really fucking love remembering the past anyway because of that I started looking through some of my old stuff again and found this amazing fancy fan!
I also found this old book about myths and legends which I stole from school years ago, LOL! Unfortunate some of the pages were missing but I was able to use Google lens to find the book and then find a PDF of it on internet archive. I borrowed the book for an hour just to check it out and might end up borrowing it again.
I created a new art piece! I spent 3 hours creating it and it is based on previous pictures I have created! (Which you can see in the Instagram post attached to the art piece!):
Fractal womb body:
Also as usual 1133 appeared, it appeared as I was writing the above paragraph about the art piece!
I had an infected finger again and I cut my nail a bit and a load of puss came out of the infected area...
Great insult from my mom: "dildo head"
I literally couldn't stop laughing, LOL!
This somewhat perfectly explains my current situation, LOL!

SOME EXCITING NEWS! Because me and my boyfriend can't spend much time together during the week we have decided that we will spend every Saturday and Sunday together meaning he'll be staying at my place every saturday night! YAY! Anyway my boyfriend said he couldn't wait till Saturday to come around so he came around at 6pm on Friday and stayed over the night! Anyway me and my friends got him to join discord and obviously my friend had to give him a name like this, LOL!

Anyway we spent most of Saturday watching memes together, LOL! We ordered pizzas! They were amazing!

Last night I was sitting in between his legs as we watch family guy on ITV2!
I dreamed I was pregnant with 10 babies, I guess biology doesn't matter in dreams, LOL!
Nothing exciting happened on Thursday but Thursday felt amazing! Probably because the weather had been nice over the past few days!
I don't know why I drink so much, I seriously need to stop drinking too much before I go to bed, LOL!
My bedroom smelled like sweet popcorn even though I haven't had popcorn in my bedroom.
This explains me perfectly, LOL!

I removed this person, they are fucking weird. There comments were weird and on Thursday they sent this in DMs. They don't even know me personally and I don't exactly know them and only added them 2 days before. My question is why the fuck do most people really like me so fucking much when they don't exactly know me‽ I'm just some weird posh girl posting random stuff from my life. I jokingly said yesterday "It's like I somehow hypnotize people" just by saying a few things.

On Friday we had spaghetti for dinner, as usual I suck it up and my friend said "the amount LC can put in her mouth is unreal", LOL! One of my online friends said "your friends love teasing you" and yes they do but they are stating facts because I can put a lot in my mouth since I have a big mouth, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!