Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week I have some bad news and some, and I'm going to quote myself, "FUCKING AMAZINGLY FUCKING AMAZING" news! Honestly I don't care about the bad news anymore anyway because of what it is and what happened. Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Bad news:
I found out my ex blocked me because I'm "fucking and going on dates" with someone I've known for years. I thought things were getting better but I guess not if he blocked me. Honestly I don't care anymore and want to forget about it and move on like I original wanted to so I sent a bye message and won't be talking to him again. Fuck my ex.
Lloyd, the person who I've been going on dates with, is now my boyfriend! YAY! Our third date, yesterday, was fucking amazing! We went out at 7pm and didn't get back to my house until around 1am, we were at the arcade for ages having a lot of fun! Anyway after what happened this week we had a long talk and I think I am now ready to get into a new relationship so we have decided to get into a relationship so we are now officially girlfriend and boyfriend! Anyway, you could say to celebrate, he stayed at my place for the night and I don't think one of my friends, who lives at my place, was happy as you can see from the messages in our (irl friends) server, LOL!

Random stuff of the week:
On Sunday I was just sitting on the sofa drinking pure lemon juice and my friend said "how are you doing that? That's sour as fuck!", my sister replied "She does shit like this all the time, she might turn into a lemon soon". So I guess I'm going to turn into a lemon! So call me Lemon Citrus Goddess now!
Also I remembered that lemons were probably artificially created, so I mentioned it, and my friend who has started calling me lemon said this:

My sister said to me "I have bigger tits" so I said in response "So? At least most of my mass went to my thick juicy ass so I don't have to carry big tits which get in the way of everything.", honestly who would want to have big tits, I prefer having a big ass.
He fucking challenged Putin, LOL!

This week my sister looked so fucking Russian in her leggings and her big coat. We are definitely half Russian.
So on Wednesday I ate 6 hotdog buns and drank 1 litre of coconut milk, LOL!
I made this new amazing picture! I call it "Summoning LC" for obvious reasons:

For breakfast, on Thursday, I had some amazing cherry jam filled croissants! Cherry jam is amazing!
I was going through my Instagram posts and it's been a year since I replayed Portal 2 already... The past year went fast.

I completely forgot I took these pictures in 2018, there amazing!
On Friday it was "Red Nose Day" So I spent quite a bit of the night watching "Comic Relief" on BBC one!
Funny stuff of the week:
"I sucked your dad's dick to just get a taste of what your made of" - from a YouTube video I just watched
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
I started rewatching "Rosario + Vampire", I haven't rewatched it for probably 5 years and it was one of the first anime I actually watched and I loved it back when I first watched it in 2012.
Half of the cubic 6-tree structure and the trinity:

Finally its spring! It's the first day of spring! Anyway I thank you for reading, I love you all, bye!