Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Next week will be 3 years since I started the blog! YAY! 3 years of weekly blogs! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
The best thing about having a friend who works at Krispy Kreme doughnuts is your friend can give you a lot of doughnuts!
I have decided I will use "‽" when I want to use "!" and "?" at the same time!
This week I watched "The king's man" on Disney+ and like the previous two movies it was amazing!
For a while I've been wanting to go back on my Nintendo 3DS but I was unable to because the charger was missing until I recently found it. I haven't used the 3DS much for years, I went on it a few times just to check on it but never really used it. I have decided I will start using it again! I don't have many games for it anymore but I have Sims 3 pets which I have been playing, I have brought Super Mario 3D land which I have also been playing!
I finally got a phone USB so I can finally sort out my phone storage problem! YAY! I have 40K pictures on my phone, most of theme are memes, and half of them are screenshots. The screenshots take up 20GB of memory! So I've been moving them to the USB but, unfortunately, moving them is taking a long time.

Also hours before I got the USB my phone somehow started to update apps even though it says there is no storage:

Honestly the blood flow to my right leg is shit, I can't sit down for long periods of time without getting pins and needles or pain in it.
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!