Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was very busy for me, especially Monday; on Monday I woke up later than usual and my day turned out to be very busy unfortunately. Due to this week being very busy for me I was unable to finish the big diagram for my research but I was able to create another small diagram that I will talk about in a bit! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
I said "he was lying", in response to a conversation I was having and my sister said "Why are you acting like such a posh girl", apparently I said it more posh then I usually talk, LOL!
Last week I mentioned BBC three is coming back this week on the 1st so this week I watched the relaunch of BBC three and honestly I preferred the old theme for the channel, the new theme is interested but it isn't as good as the old one.
This week I remembered I use to make notes on my old google account to tell my future self to time travel to myself and do random stuff. Unfortunately I've never met my future self so unfortunately I don't time travel.
I was quite surprised this week when I drank 1 litre of orange juice and I then drank 1 litre of soya milk and I didn't need to go the the toilet much, normally after drinking so much you would need to go to the toilet a lot but for some reason that didn't happen, LOL! Also don't ask me why I drank all of that, I'm a weird girl, LOL!
I don't need headphones and even though these headphones are for kids I may get them because honestly I wouldn't mind having some like this! LOL!

Last night I watched the movie "Munich - The edge of war" on Netflix and it was amazing!
As usual I was doing my research and when I searched for "sephirot correspondence" and it came up with 777! So I made this:
LC art/Art of LC:
I used this new picture to make the one above:

This week I finished "High score girl" and as usual I fucking loved it! I then re-watched Angel Beats another amazing anime! Anyway I now need to decide what anime I'll be watching next!
As mentioned at the beginning I made another small diagram and this one is about my favorite number 1133 and its interesting connections:
1133, 693 and the (pascals triangle) tetractys:

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!