Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Last week I didn't post the blog because on Sunday I was too busy making and finishing my INFJ personality "diagram" which took me most of the day to finish so I didn't have time to write and post the blog. Anyway this means this blog will be longer than usual so lets get into the past two weeks!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
As mentioned I made the INFJ diagram and I hade updated the website and added it to the page "I am LC a mystery", I said I have other updates to do to the website ages ago but completely forgot to do them plus I don't remember what most of them were, I think I can only remember one anyway here is the INFJ post:
I'm a INFJ-6w7-612!
I already understand myself a lot but I am trying to understand myself more and this is what I have learned over the past year. Whenever I do MBTI tests I always get INFJ or INTJ and looking at the cognitive functions I am definitely dominant Ni(introverted intuition) so I am definitely one of them, I would say I am an INFJ since the cognitive functions match me. As a matter of fact whenever I do any personality test the results match up with INFJ/INTJ.
So since I've come to the conclusion that I am an INFJ I decided to create this picture showing the traits of the INFJ personality! The third slide shows the results I got for MBTI(I just said what I said above since there isn't really anything to say about my MBTI results) and enneagram which honestly I go into quite a bit since I found out a lot.
Random stuff of the week:
Unfortunately two weeks ago on Monday my body temperature rose too high, it happened again this week whilst I was at work (It happened on the first day at work this year) but luckily I was leaving work at the time, I also started getting a headache, luckily it was cold outside and the coldness helped keep me cool so my temperature didn't rise too high but this was the second time this happened in a week which was somewhat worrying so I'll need to get it checked out at my next hospital visit which is soon. Also I'm not going to lie but I sometimes hate my body.
I created a nightcore version of my favorite song "Egao no kimi e" because I'm literally addicted to the song so I thought why not create a nightcore version of it so I obviously went and created it but I wouldn't be able to upload it to YouTube because YouTube would probably hit it with copyright so my brain went "upload it to SoundCloud" so at 2am on January 5th I went and uploaded it! I'm just hoping I don't get hit with the copyright hammer, it's happened to me before, with my research, and I was fucking scared. Anyway if you want to listen to it check it out on SoundCloud!
I spent most of Thursday January 6th in an online meeting with work and I'm pretty sure I mentally died of boredom anyway I started going back into work on January 10th!
I've shared this before and I'm sharing it again, I fucking love seafood pizza!

This is a picture of the sunrise on the 10th!

This is an interesting question from Quora:

I was watching the ITV news earlier this week and the weather came on after the news, the weather for some reason is sponsored by a company, the company that is sponsoring the weather is Heinz so I said "is it going to rain soup and sauce?"
Well on Thursday I woke up literally doing the splits in my bed and I was hugging my leg and I was wondering what the fuck I actually do in bed when I'm asleep, LOL!
This drink is fucking amazing! I love it! It's one of my favorite drinks now!

I don't know why but on Thursday night I thought about writing an autobiography so apparently I'm writing an autobiography now! I've wrote a biography before but it was a short one so I thought I would write a longer one going from my birth until now, I've also wrote how I started my research so thought it would be useful to merge it with my biography so it would therefore make sense to write a full autobiography. I've become a little more open so I decided that I would go ahead and write it but it won't be too long since ant to keep most of my life private.
Funny stuff of the week:
I haven't posted in this section for ages, I've been posting funny stuff though but have been putting it in the "Random stuff of the week" section. I'm bringing this section back and it will have the sub section "Family and friends" which will include all the weird/funny stuff that happens:
Family and friends:
I was trying to talk to my friend whilst eating a double decker chocolate bar and my brother said "what are you eating? a double dicker?" whilst my friend said "Those chocolate bars are hard to swallow", the timing wasn't good, LOL!
I said I want to be a cat and my brother said "and I want to put a cucumber in front of you" (cats are scared of cucumber because it looks like a snake), but if you know me then you know I wouldn't be scared and I would just eat the whole cucumber, LOL!
Also I think I have a new favorite joke, my friend told me it: What does beethoven do in his grave? Decompose
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!