Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I updated the websites free URL, it is now "lcherubim-goddess" instead of "freemason", I changed it because honestly I didn't want it to be "freemason" because I'm not entirely associated with freemasons and I don't want people to think I am. This is also the reason I changed 64tge8st and brought a domain for it, I would buy a domain for this website but honestly its quite expensive and I don't want to pay £120 every 3 years just for two websites. (Note: This blog will be in the 64tge8st category so people can read the above but I doubt anyone will see it since no one really reads my blogs.) Anyway not much happened this week so this blog will be somewhat short I think anyway lets get into the week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
(I think I will make this a new section for the blog)
I just want to say because it pissed me off last night. I saw "don't interact with me is your a Zionist", this shows the person who said this obviously doesn't know what Zionism is, they basically said don't interact with me if you think Jews, an indigenous tribe, should rule over there indigenous homeland. There is literally nothing wrong with Zionism but people have problems with it and sometimes even blame everything on it because of the Israeli government who is the actual problem.
Random stuff of the week:
I noticed how most of the old tv channels(Jetix, Viva, Pop girls and AnimeCentral/Showcase TV) I use to watch no longer exists... (I would have mentioned BBC three but that channel is actually coming back next year in January if I remember)
I leave my bedroom window open most of the time because I like my bedroom being cool but recently it's been way too cold outside so I've been waking up freezing because I pretty much wear nearly nothing, I think it's time to get into onesies!
I came across this on Instagram so I thought I would try it, I love the Mystical and Synthwave ones!
After watching episode 4 of Hawkeye I decided to watch the Black Widow movie so I stayed up quite late until about 2:30am watching it and honestly I fucking love it! It was amazing!
My sister was eating a twirl(chocolate bar), I asked her if she was eating a twirl because I couldn't tell what chocolate it was and she said "twirl my arse" and now she just shouted out "suck my big tits, they need sucking everyday!", LOL! Why is everyone in my family weird and shout out weird stuff, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!