Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was an amazing and busy week! Also last night just before I was about to go to bed my body thought it would be stupid and give me a massive nosebleed so I had to spend an extra 30 minutes up until 2:30am which was annoying, luckily it didn't take long to stop. Anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
I guess my aesthetic is Ethereal-Angelcore:
I walk around my house with nothing on my feet and unfortunately this week I got a splinter in my foot and I was like "the problems you get when walking around your house with no socks, stockings, tights or shoes on", luckily its gone now but it was painful for a few days.
A weird question I asked this week was "since our teeth are in our mouth do we taste them?", I didn't entirely know but I guessed it would taste something like bone and I can confirm, to me, it tastes like bone when I licked mine, LOL!
This rude idiot tried to control me by trying to get me to be less happy so I went "fuck him" after he was rude again:
I don't know why but for some reason YouTube keeps giving me an ad about a quiz to see if I'm gay, no I don't need to do the quiz because I know I'm pansexual anyway why would you even need a quiz like that? You would know what your sexuality is. Other than that problem that I have with it I do think it could be useful to understand your sexuality better.
One of my budgies lays eggs so my brother said "she lays eggs like you, LC", yes I lay eggs, LOL!
I fucking love Cherry Tomatoes, so I ate a whole bowl of them!
This week I started watching Hawkeye on Disney+ and it's amazing! I can't wait for the next few episodes!
Yesterday morning it snowed heavily but unfortunately I missed it because I was still in bed and when I got up outside was covered with snow but it was melting because it was raining which was unfortunate.
LC art/Art of LC:
Some new pictures!
The second part of Eden Zero was added to Netflix this week and I finished watching it so now I've completed season 1 and honestly I fucking loved it and can't wait for season 2! Also I finally got around to watching one punch man, one of my irl friends recommend it to me about 6 years ago but I never ended up watching it but now I've watched all of it and it was fucking amazing!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!