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Writer's pictureLC

What LC thinks and stuff 135

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week I have been very busy but as usual it has been amazing week so lets get into it! Also Its finally autumn!

Random stuff of the week:

My right leg always gets pins and needles when I'm sitting down in the shower which is a problem because it means I can't move my leg because if I do I nearly die of laughter because pins and needles makes me laugh due to the sensation.

I finally had a slice of a giant cookie! I had chocolate sauce and whipped cream with it! It was fucking amazing!

I had to do a VIRUS test because I have a slight cold, by the looks of it, I luckily don't have the VIRUS. The test according to my irl friend looked like a pregnancy test so she made a joke saying I might be pregnant and when it came back negative she said "Its negative, your not having a baby" LOL, I shouldn't be surprised when this happened because I posted it on MeWe and someone made a joke(?)/said its a pregnancy test so I had to post proof it wasn't a pregnancy test LOL:

I thought it was time for a change for my keyboard, so I've changed it to Nogi Sonoko, form Yuki Yuna is a hero, in her mankai form:

I normally only close my curtains when I go to bed but for 5 nights in a row I had to close my curtains and blinds because there has literally been no clouds at night and the moon has been bright as fuck and I can't sleep when it's too bright so I've had to close the blinds as well.

I've been watching Avatar the last air bender, I think I've seen some episodes before because I remember some of them but I've never actually watched all of the show and since it's on Netflix I decided to watch all of it, I spent most of the Friday and yesterday watching it and I'm already on season 2 episode 15!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture! I've made quite a lot this week so there will be loads over the next few weeks!


I forgot Star Wars Visions, an anime, was added to Disney+ this week so on Wednesday, the day it was added, I watched all of it and my favorite eps were ep 4 and 5!

Also talking about anime I haven't watched any for ages and I haven't finished the seven deadly sins so I'll be finishing it after I've watched Avatar the last airbender.


I was doing research into the 3D 12 tree grid and if you notice the 3D tree grid requires two forms to be able to fractal so I created this new diagram explaining them and there interesting connections:

Also whilst doing research into them, I decided to look into base 13 vortex maths:

Note: Whilst doing research into base 13 vortex maths I couldn't really find any information but I did come across a maths website which attempted to "debunk" vortex maths, the website had an option to look at any vortex maths base so I looked at base 13 to see if it generated the pattern I got but it didn't but it was quite close, to me this looks like the website doesn't understand vortex maths because if it did it would have generated the vortex maths pattern for base 13 which I got.

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!

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