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What LC thinks and stuff 13

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! i just noticed that last weeks post has a mistake in it, its name is "What LC think and stuff 12" the "think" hasn't got an "S" on the end of it. Well yesterdays weather and this weekends weather is hot so my friends have been in my pool most of yesterday and are in it today i would join them but i have other stuff to do.

So on Thursday something very weird was happening, in the morning my brothers tablet was not charging and it was on 1% so he went downstares and put it on charge and in less then a minute it was on 100% and i was told by my mom that night that he was on his tablet for ages and it was on 1% the whole time which is very creepy and interesting to me. So lets move onto my part of the story now, on Thursday night my laptop was not charging at all but every now and then it said it was charging, even though it was plugged in the whole time, i had to turn off the laptop so it would charge i had it off all night and it was on 100% in the morning and it was charging so my laptop is ok which is good! i don't think i ever told you but my laptop is a surface pro 3 and has a bluetooth keyboard which needs charging but i have been using it for months now and it hasn't ran out of power yet which is very interesting because it normally needs charging every week. That is some interesting stuff that has happened.

This week i have been very busy working on a new page on my wiki which is about the prime number cross and some of the information about it is amazing just to say i don't believe all of what the person, who wrote about it, believes but most of the information he has given is amazing.

Also whilst searching for more information about the PNC i came across a new website with alot of the research i have been looking at and it is called Cosmic Core and some of the information i got from there has helped me expanded some of the research i have recently been doing about the 26 superstring dimensions, tetractys and the fruit of life.

Also I FINALLY GOT MY BOT ONLINE 24/7! it took me 2 days to do it but i finally got it up! so now i don't have it running on my laptop. I thank you all for reading this blog i love you all bye!

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