Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This weeks blog will be short but there is a lot of interesting news regarding my research! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
A dream I had last Saturday lead me to create this symbolic picture based on that dream:
I drank a whole litre of pure orange juice over a few hours on Tuesday which probably wasn't a good idea since it was nigh LOL why do I always do this!
Wednesday was the 7th of July which is my best friends birthday! And I found out it is also world chocolate day, I heard about it before but didn't know it was on the 7th!
This isn't the first time this has happened and I've mentioned it before and I still don't know this happened. HOW THE FUCK DOES A SINGLE PIXEL GET THERE!
The teletubbies got vaccinated LOL:
My brother making jokes:
My brother: Why don't blind people like fish?
Me: why don't they like fish?
My brother: because it's seafood
Me: well that explains why I love seafood
My brother: yes because you can see even though you wear glasses (Note: I have a lazy eye which is why I have glasses)
I created a new diagram of the hexatree encoding the tree of life and other trees of life:
The fractaling square forms/produces the 12 tree grid but it only produces the first 10 points so you have to double the fractaling square or quadrupled the 12 tree grid to get the 2 and 11 points to form 12 points so it actually produces the 10 sephirot tree of life, this is because a structure needs to be formed to build the 12 vibrational dimensions on, this structure being the 10 spacetime dimensions which can be seen in the Pascals triangle tetractys which is the 10 points/spacetime dimensions which encodes a hexagon with a value of 12 which is the 12 vibrational dimensions and this hexagon is the seed of life which has two 3D forms which are the cubistic matrix which is formed out of the 12 tree grid and the vector equilibrium(VE)/cube octahedron which is the 3D doubled fractaling square formed out of the 12 tree grid and the VE is 12 spheres surrounding 1 meaning the hexagon, which forms the 12, and the 12 tree grid are 12 surrounding 1 so the tree of life is 13 sephirot which can therefore be represented in a hexagonal form AKA the hexatree which encodes the 12 tree grid in 3D (when it rotates). The hexatree encodes the fractaling star tetrahedron which grows by doubling(Binary) but encodes the Fibonacci spiral(Trinary) which explains why the spiral forms a binary-trinary sequence, "each level of the hypercube fractal corresponds to a hexagon(hexagonal number)/cube in the flower of life(tetrahedron grid(CO/VE) fractal)/cubistic matrix which is formed out of the 12 tree grid, these (hyper)cube-hexagon/flower of life levels are the cubes in the cube octahedron(CO/VE) fractal which is/are formed/produced out of and form the Fibonacci spiral, the CO/VE/cubistic matrix encodes/produces both the Fibonacci and Krystal spirals".
"As we already know there is a connection between the 13 sephirot(dimensions), 15 dimensions(12 tree grid) and 16 sephirot(dimensions) within the torus so there is obviously a connection between the 12 tree grid and 13 sephirot hexatree, the 12 tree grid forms the Krystal spiral which is binary whilst the 13 sephirot hexatree forms the Fibonacci spiral which is trinary, this shows the binary-trinary connection which can be seen in 2D/3D geometry because the 12 tree grid-13 sephirot hexatree=2D star tetrahedron(grows by binary)-3D star tetrahedron(grows by trinary) so the 13 sephirot hexatree is the 12 tree grid in 3D(?) which makes sense because the 12 points surround the 1 which is the 12 tree grid sephirot around the 13th sephirot, "The seed (of life), 6 as 1, 6 surrounding 1, the 7 sephirot of creation, when it expands forms 12 circles corresponding to the 12 tones in an octave and the tetractys, the hexagonal yod of the pascals triangle tetractys is equal to 12, the hexagonal yod is the 7/seed of life... the 12 circles surrounding the seed AKA 1, 12 as 1, the center of the seed..."... The hexatree structure being a hexagon within a hexagon can be seen as a cube within a cube which is a hypercube, showing the 13 sephirot hexatree and 12 tree grid connection, and since the hexatree is a hypercube that means it is the PNC-hypercube and can therefore be formed out of the 4-hexatree which links into the 5:6 correspondence because the hexatree is the 6 in the 5:6 correspondence(which is the 10(tetractys) dimensions:12 dimensions correspondence) and the 5 corresponds to pell numbers/octagram-PNC-hypercube square."
Tree of life encoded in hexatree(13 sephirot tree of life).
Tree of life+1 yellow "sephirot"(Da'at)+green sephirot=12 tree grid encoded in hexatree.
Tree of life+3 Yellow sephirot=13 sephirot tree of life encoded in hexatree.
13 sephirot tree of life+green and pink sephirot=15 tree grid encoded in hexatree.
Note 1: I only noticed this as I was creating this picture, the background hexatree-tree of life-flower of life image in my above symbolic picture matches up with this picture.
Note 2: the last picture is a drawing of the tree of life I did ages ago, I found it a few days ago.
I also spent this week re-creation the debunking KS diagram! Its better than the first one! I'm planning on making it into a new video and splitting it up into three pictures which I'll probably do next week, anyway I hope you enjoy this updated diagram!
Anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!