Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I decided to take a break and rest on Saturday and Sunday so due to that I decided to not make the weekly blog so this one is late, I don't know why I decided to not do the weekly blog because I love writing them and I really wanted to write last weeks one but I just didn't anyway I did have an amazing week as usual and I'll be adding this weeks stuff. Anyway lets get into this blog!
Random stuff of the week:
What am I the textbook definition of? A Cherubim, LOL this seriously came up which is very amazing and interesting but isn't a surprise or a coincidence:
Also talking about me being a Cherubim, is this what I LC look like LOL:

I have the power of the flower of life!

There is now an "about me" section on discord!

I decided to update the two paragraphs in my bio since they needed updating because my English a few years ago was shit LOL anyway the paragraphs are now:
"Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe, I'm LC! I am a Xenplexian and an INFJ! I love spirituality, the higher dimension, consciousness and superstring theory which I sometimes post about, most of the time I post random stuff! Also sometimes I talk in 3rd person!
I research the connections between Kabbalah/Sacred geometry and superstring theory and when I'm not researching I post random stuff as I said! I can play the piano, I can program on computers and I can speak Russian, English and some Hebrew."
I wanted to see if a link came up about the VIRUS if I mentioned corona on Instagram but it didn't, I then wrote VIRUS on another story with a screenshot of my previous story and it decided to then bring the link up even though I didn't actually mention the VIRUS, LOL:
ITS FINALLY SUMMER AGAIN! YAY! I hope everyone has an amazing summer!
As mentioned last week Rick and Morty season 5 is airing on the Monday in the UK after america sees it on the Sunday and I saw the episode on Monday and I fucking loved it! IT WAS AMAZING! Anyway as of when I'm writing this part of the blog the next episode is tonight! YAY I CAN'T WAIT!
I just found out my computer has internet explorer LOL:

I don't know how many people know about this channel, I use to watch them all the time since 2014 but I don't watch them as often anymore since they aren't as good as they use to be and because his two sisters left the channel anyway a few days ago Bethany, the sister of the person who runs this channel, made a 55 minute long video basically explaining why she left. What happened? It turns out her family is very christian and they basically disowned her because she has different beliefs, what's funny is he posts this video saying he loves her but he doesn't even treat his sister's like sisters and he along with his family disowned Bethany and his other sister just because they don't believe the same thing. This is seriously fucked up. I don't know if I like this channel anymore...
(Its now Sunday the 4th of July and the video is no longer up, its private...)
I tried a new tea, echinacea and raspberry flavoured tea and I loved it! I also had some cherries with it!

I haven't done a "data dump" for ages and didn't plan on doing them ever again since I don't like posting about politics and I haven't posted anything related to politics for ages anyway last week two very interesting things happened one being about John McAfee and the other about UAP's:
First lets look at John McAfee, here are the data dumps about him which are very interesting:
Now lets look at the UAP report, it was finally released on the 25th! YAY! but It had nothing in it which shouldn't have really been a surprise and it somewhat sounded like they were trying to say UAP's could be dangerous anyway here are the links I have:
And here is a video about the report:
Also don't trust SETI!

Last week on Thursday Windows 11 was officially announced and on Friday I downloaded an "app" which allows you to check if your computer can run Windows 11 and apparently my computer is able to run it! YAY! This is amazing because that means I won't have problems updating!

I don't normally have breakfast but my friend brought chocolate flavored luck charms, which I've never had since I'm in the UK, and there fucking amazing! I love them!

I don't know what happened but my Instagram went red LOL:

I joined telegram last week and I created a random channel but I won't be posting in it much:
This weeks episode of Loki which was ep 4 was fucking amazing, the fucking ending, that ending was fucking unexpected! Just wow! I FUCKING LOVED IT!
Trying to pull the bottle out of the fridge and it hits my boob LOL the problems with being a short girl.
My friend found a "crystal" paperweight(?) and brought it for me, the "crystal" inside it looks like bismuth but is slightly transparent and has a purplish colour, I don't know if it's a real crystal and what crystal it is but it looks amazing and I love it!
LC art/Art of LC:
Some new pictures again!
I finally decided to update mine and my boyfriends book! I updated my parts and I am planning on adding my boyfriends parts which he sent to me a few months ago:

This week I changed my website link and connected the link I brought! I NOW HAVE A LINK WHICH IS AMAZING! The link for my website is now:
The reason I changed it was because of this:
I've also created a new diagram about the higher dimensional hypercube and the silver and golden ratio connection:

Anyway as mentioned I'm sorry this blog is late also I am planning on moving the blog to Sundays now so I love you all, see you next Sunday!