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What LC thinks and stuff 122

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! ALOT OF VERY AMAZING AND INTERESTING STUFF HAPPENED THIS WEEK! YAY! LOL I don't know why I said that all in capitals, I'm just really excited for a reason that I will mention in my research section anyway lets get into this week!

Random stuff of the week:

Weetabix and honey is amazing! I love it, I don't normally eat cereal but I decided to have weetabix with honey because I didn't know what to eat and I still fucking love weetabix!

I had fish and the batter on it smelled and tasted like doughnuts, it was fucking amazing!

I don't normally post this(type of) stuff but after seeing this I thought why not do it LOL anyway I know I'm a female so I somewhat identify as one but I don't normally class myself as a gender so I'm in-between female and what I would say "having no gender" so first two are in the middle.

I don't normally post this(type of) stuff but after seeing this I thought why not do it LOL anyway I know I'm a female so I somewhat identify as one but I don't normally class myself as a gender so I'm in-between female and what I would say "having no gender" so first two are in the middle.

I started sorting out my Spotify favorite playlist this week since some of the songs I don't like as much as I use to and need removing plus I need to update the playlist by adding and moving songs around. As I said I started sorting it out but it will take ages for me to sort it all out, the night I started sorting it out I gave up after an hour after only sorting 7 songs out because it's hard putting them in order of my favorite LOL.

I had two dreams on Tuesday night and I would say one of them was horrifying but it seemed pretty normal (to me) LOL anyway what happened in that dream was I was in bed and I was bleeding, I don't know where the blood was coming from but it was a lot of blood and my bed was covered in it, I didn't get out of the bed and I was just laying there like there was nothing wrong and everything was normal LOL, I don't know what is up with me in my dreams and getting my bed covered with blood, I had a dream a few months ago that I had a massive nosebleed in bed. Anyway I woke up and my arm was completely dead, I couldn't move it or feel anything in it but it was back to normal within a few seconds. Maybe the dream was warning me about my arm like last time when something similar happened.

Also on Tuesday when I was coming home I saw a car that was either a sponsor for monster energy or the person who owns the car loves monster energy because the monster energy logo was on the side of the car and pretty much all over the car.

This Wednesday I watched the first episode of Loki and it was amazing! I can't wait for the next episode!

I found out you can download an Xbox controller app and now I can use my phone as a controller for my Xbox.

444 whilst playing hexic on Xbox!

I renamed my server, where I write up my research and stuff, and I didn't mean for it to be shortened to ass LOL now I have a server called ass:

I can say I'm definitely in the UK because yesterday on the way home from work I had the window down in the car since this week it's been really hot anyway I heard two girls asking a boy, who was in a suit, for directions and they sounded so fucking British LOL they actually sounded really posh. I fucking love posh accents!

LC art/Art of LC:

A new picture this week!:


I finished watching Stellvia, it was an amazing anime! But the first few episodes weren't that good in my opinion but after maybe episode 7 it was definitely amazing! It gets very interesting as well, the 6 extra dimensions in string theory are brought up but I can't talk about that since most people aren't into physics plus I don't want to ruin the anime for anyone if they do watch it. I do have one big question regarding what happens but I can't exactly ask it since I'll ruin the anime as I said, but now that I think about it the answer to it might be simple.

I started watching the anime Love is War yesterday and I am enjoying it!


Before I get into why I am excited I need to mention I have updated the 64tge8st section of this website and I have updated the "How my research began" post on this website and on the wiki to clarify and explain in more detail as to how I have some of my knowledge, I also finally linked it on the welcome post on the 64tge8st website anyway lets get on to the exciting news!

This week has been amazing for my research! I'm finally not the only person to realise the 3D kathara grid is the flower of life! THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING I WAS FUCKING EXCITED! thanks to someone on Instagram I came across "Knew Spirituality" yesterday and spent my time going through a few hours of there content and they basically discovered what I noticed, that as I mentioned the 3D kathara grid is the flower of life! I don't know if they will see my comment on there video but I thanked them plus I made a post on the 64tge8st forum talking about this and thanking them for noticing what I noticed! Here are a few diagrams of what they discovered:

They also discovered phi in the Krystal spiral:

Knew Spirituality showed the Krystal spiral can be formed using circles (as shown in the picture), "the Krystal spiral is built on the √5 measurement and √10, the circles are alternative back and forth between √5 ×2, ×3, ×4..., It's always a multiple of √5" (Note: I feel like I hard this before I don't know where but it might have been a dream but honestly I don't know)

I created a new diagram using the information about the Krystal spiral:

Hexagonal numbers and the Hexaflor as a fractaling cube that produces the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral:

I already planned on creating this diagram since I wanted to look at the extended Hexagonal number sequence because I was looking at the beginning of the sequence which is 117 for a diagram I have been working on this week because 117 has some very interesting properties and I came across 117 in the pell number diagram from last week anyway 117 is also encoded in Ein Sof Aur in the form of 711, this new diagram I have been working on this week looks deep into Ein Sof Aur and 117 and I seriously suggest you check it out:

I'm hoping all the information I wanted to put on this diagram is on this diagram because it took me ages to write the massive paragraph on the bottom right.

Anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!


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