Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I was contemplating whether or not to create this blog because I've been so busy with work and I am very tired, I was thinking about leaving it for this week and wait until next week to make a big blog about the two weeks but that would be too much work to do so I decided to create this weeks blog anyway. So lets get into this week!
First I have edited the website and moves the pages around along with hiding some anyway lets get into the week!
Random stuff of the week:
I would say I live on a "private" street since you have to take a long road through a field to get to it and everyone on the street is rich anyway you would expect no cars to go past my house but every night around 1am a car goes past and I seriously wonder why the fuck a car is going past at that time, does the person have a job until late at night? Maybe but it is weird to see a car go past at that time.
What would numbers sound like? (Not talking about there corresponding vibration/frequency)
Me: if letters have a sound imagine if numbers had a sound, what would numbers sound like?
My friend: makes weird noise saying that would be what the number one would sound like
Me: LOL that sounds more like the number 0 since the sound you made sounds like an O
My new phone background! I FUCKING LOVE THIS PICTURE!
This is one of the reasons I turned on notification history, a random account requested to follow me and seconds later before I even get onto instagram they delete there request so I can't look at there account but now the joke is on them, I can see EVERYTHING!

I don't know what's happening but my Instagram stories haven't been saving so I had to download them but now there is duplicates of the stories suggesting they did save but now when I download them they don't appear in the folder but when I check files they are there. Also some pictures are being saved to new files (not the Instagram pictures/stories), my phone is just being weird. Maybe it's trying to tell me to actually sort out the files.
Funny stuff of the week:
LOL I can't stop laughing at this:
"Who the fuck is Wallace and why does he want my cheese?"
I've seen this emoji before and it's still funny as fuck LOL:

LC art/Art of LC:
Three new pictures!
I finally reached 1200 followers on my account 64tge8st! YAY! it did go down but it went back up and currently as of when I last checked I had 1202 followers!
A new diagram!
Anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!