Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing other than a creepy person messaging me which I will talk about in a bit anyway yesterday was my boyfriends birthday! I gave him some gifts, I can't show them since there personal but he loved them! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
I got a Reeses egg! YAY! I FUCKING LOVED IT!

On Tuesday I spent 3 hours watching avengers endgame, I finally watched it and as usual I loved it!
Also on Tuesday it snowed a few times which is actually weird since its spring and it shouldn't really be snowing during spring anyway I noticed it after I finished watching endgame and my friends got home and told me.
Update on my fridge which is too powerful: I took my apple juice out of the fridge and poured it into my glass and it turned into slush, after I finished the apple juice (after it melted into a liquid) I decided to get my smoothies out, a few hours later after the smoothie were out for ages there still cold. My fridge is too powerful. Also why the fuck was "womb" an option LOL:

New update as of today:

I decided to go through my MeWe contact suggestions and added most of the people that my bf and some other people spammed me with so now hopefully I can have more friends on MeWe!
Ants were eating my Battenberg cake in the cupboard LOL
Here is the creepy person I was talking about, I have nothing to say so I'll just show you what happened:
When I saw this I was like "OMG he died!" honestly I'm not really surprised he died because it seemed likely he would soon anyway may he RIP even though I hate the elite:

LC art/Art of LC:
I became a Yu Gi Oh card so I guess I'm a Yu Gi Oh card now:

This diagram is killing my laptop, it keeps crashing when I save it and at one point it crashed so badly it just started flashing repeatedly really fast, if I had epilepsy it probably would have killed my brain... So I resized it from 5MB to 1.8MB but yesterday when I started editing it again it became 3.8MB even though I only added a small picture to it, honestly I don't know what happened there anyway I'm still working on it:

Tomorrow my Instagram account 64tge8st will officially be 1 years old! YAY! So I'll be posting this message on my story along with my first post on that account:
"Today this account is officially 1 years old! I never actually planned on making any accounts for my website but I did use my personal accounts to post stuff from my website anyway I was thinking maybe I should delete this account back when I made it but I decided not to and its a good thing I didn't because I now have 1K amazing people following me! I did predict I would reach 1K before this account reached a year old and I did and I thank you all! Anyway along with this announcement I have an update for my website, I have changed the colour theme of my website, its now the same colours as my wiki! In addition to this I've added a forum! I hope you all love it!"
As I mentioned yes I am changing the colour theme to be the same as the wiki, this is due to me not liking the red green theme anymore so I wanted to change it and I am also adding a forum, anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!