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What LC thinks and stuff 111

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was quite busy and there will be a lot of pictures in this blog so it will be a "big" blog anyway lets get into this week! Also 111! Random stuff of the week:

I had a few of these stupid spiritual bot accounts message me this week:

Youtube being weird and don't mind the name of the video, LOL:

I don't know if I want babies after seeing this... I mean I want them but this just disturbs me now that I've seen it:

So after 1 year and 42 days(roughly) I finally have a cold, 400 days without getting ill LOL also it's not the VIRUS which I will not name because I did a VIRUS test last Friday when at work and I haven't been in contact with anyone with the VIRUS anyway I hate having colds, its going now but the left side of my face was hurting and when I blew my nose I saw some blood also talking about that I was thinking wait what if the dream I had on Friday, last week, about me having a nose bleed was my body warning me I have a cold... I normally get nose bleeds when I have a cold... and I was like "well fuck" LOL.

This explains me:

I remember getting these glasses:

Yes I don't hate life at all:

It would be interesting to drink it, I would laugh:

I did another colour personality test, I noticed in the link after I did it, it said INFJ so its based on that personality test but this assigned a colour anyway I got alice blue(INFJ):

Now I know this isn't true and I thought of this before and I think I brought this up before but what if reality was actually a dream and what we think are dreams are actually reality that would be interesting and weird.

Remember tea baby from last year LOL:

I don't fully believe in astrology but this is interesting also I'm more masculine? LOL am I more masculine? My boyfriend and my friends said no and I would agree because I think I'm more feminine since I only wear dresses and skirts (because I don't like trousers since they cover all my legs and I like my legs being free and to quote my boyfriend I like being nude LOL):

Well this is interesting, microsoft might be buying discord:

So I have an antisemitic account requesting to friend ME a JEWISH PERSON, LOL fuck off, and guess what I found that fucking idiot(Jon) who said everything is fake is also sharing this antisemitism content. No it's not real Jews ruling the planet so stop blaming us Jews:

(I reported the three accounts)

After a friend on MeWe posted that detentions in there country are banned I remembered the time I got a detention because I was being attacked and I was trying to get away and I accidentally poked someone in the eye and I got the detention... (Makes perfect sense for the person getting bullied and attacked to get the detention)

Funny stuff of the week:

I haven't used this section for a while and I was thinking maybe I don't need it but now I'm thinking I'll put memes here which I think I was already doing anyway lets go through some memes:

I might get these glasses:

They have a point and I can't stop laughing at it:

LC art/Art of LC:

I have a lot of new pictures!


Here are two new hexatree diagrams, I have finally finished the dimensions of the hexatree, all I need to do is add it to my wiki which I will do later today:

The Hexatree is base 13 but the geometry is entirely based on 12 and 6 so it has 12+1 dimensions, the geometry can be divided into 12-15 dimensions (and more).

After seeing Theory of every0nes diagram that I recently reshared on my profile 64tge8st I noticed it could be overlaid on my 12-hexatree diagram so I attempted to create a diagram showing a correspondence and here it is!

Talking about the hexatree I am still making the diagram I talked about in blog 108 and I am hoping to finish it soon also I'm currently working on this diagram:

I've posted some parts of this diagram on my Instagram story and in Theory of every0nes discord server also talking about that, Theory of every0ne recently made a discord server which will be interesting so I joined it! anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!

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