Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was quite fun also this is the 104th blog meaning it has officially been 2 years since this blog started! YAY! Anyway I haven't finished the I am (a) Virgo page yet but hopefully I can this week if I'm not busy with my research and work, talking about that I have to do all my work at home which I would rather do at work because I can't do much research for my wiki due to not having much time anyway talking about my research I have finally finished the Sri Yantra and Flower of life diagram but I'll show that and my other research in the research section but first lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
Why ask this dumb question LOL, I'm still wondering why I got this question:

I learn from memes sometimes:


Talking about cats I do wonder what they taste like, LOL:

I decided to get Twitch, even though I didn't ever want to get it and I don't need it anyway click here to go to my Twitch.
One of my fav songs I listened to years ago and I agree with the comments, the good and simple times of the internet back in 2010:
Also the english version made me laugh some of the lyrics are fucking amazing LOL:
Also when I was searching for this song I found this interesting Hatsune Miku model, like what the fuck is this LOL:

Reading the back is interesting:

The only way a flat earth would work if the earth was flat:
New episodes of south park were recently added to Netflix apparently, I already had it in my watch list because I think last year new episodes were added after I watched it when they added it to Netflix so I've started watching south park again even though I should be watching anime.
Don't mind this (picture), I love being nude so when I saw this I had to share it because why the fuck not and because nude=FUN!:

Apparently next week it's going to snow from Sunday(7th) to Tuesday(9th) so me and my friends are planning on going out, if it does snow, so I suggested we roll down a hill and become a snow ball, I then suggest making one of my friends into a snowman LOL
If you want to follow me but you don't know me then follow my other account!:

You can never trust them!:

Funny stuff of the week:
A nice normal conversation with my friend:
My friend: is having your limbs chopped off a normal day for you?
Me: yes!
My friend: WHAT?
Me to my other friend: isn't it normal to have your limbs chopped off?
Other friend: yes!
Is my brother somehow weirder than me? Yes?
My brother: LC has spores instead of eggs.
My brother: imagine if snow was super glue.
The Sri Yantra and the flower of life, this diagram was interesting to make because there are some interesting stuff in this diagram:

Also an update on my hexagonal number diagram, I haven't finished it yet, unfortunately, but this is a small part of my diagram which I think is amazing! it can be its own picture but it will be a part of the main diagram:

the top middle picture is an edited version of another picture I made ages ago which I showed on this blog before and the bottom middle picture is a part of a new diagram of the hexatree and the sephirot levels which I will finish soon hopefully anyway once I have finished these diagrams I hope I can finish the hexaflor and hexatree post because it will be amazing! Anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!