Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This is the 100th blog! YAY! I'm actually writing this really late because I wanted to finish my new diagram for my research, this blog is a day late but I'll set the publish date to yesterday anyway lets get into this week!
Random stuff of the week:
I had two amazing golden syrup puddings, there so fucking amazing I love them, I also had one today:

I had an account with 2.5 million followers try and follow me:

Back in Russia Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January anyway this was an interesting post and this is my view on it:

I finally posted the final best moments of the month post so check it out if you want to!
A few years ago I did a personality test and got INTJ-T(The Architect (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)), I just did the test again and got INFJ-T(The Advocate (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)):

So I updated my LC's life blog post to update the personality type and I also updated the personality section and talking about updating that post I also added a link to my post about how my research began. I also want to update the website and update the button on the home page because it has my discord server old name and I want to do other stuff but we will have to see.
I wanted to go out on Tuesday for a walk in the woods with my friends but they said its too cold outside which was sad but hopefully we can go out for a walk soon. Also talking about the weather they said it would snow on Thursday night and all Friday but it never did which was also sad because I want more snow.
So update as to whats happening here in the UK were back in lockdown which is annoying but hopefully it stops the spread of the VIRUS and because of this I had my first google meets video call this week with work which was fun.
Lets go over what happened in America, so Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, how could this happen? Apparently there was low security and what makes it worse is there is videos of the police letting them in so it appears this was all planned, the question is by who? Trump was also banned from Twitter, and a lot of other social media, this just shows how powerful big tech has become so people who say he is a dictator, a dictator can't be censored and the one doing the censoring is the dictator, twitter allows horrible people to stay on there platform yet remove Trump which just shows how fucked up big tech is so fuck the elite. Also I wanted to post most of my political stuff on Parler but Parler may be taken down soon due to it running on Amazon cloud and Amazon banned them due to all the trump supporters also the app was removed from the Google play store so a double fuck the elite, LOL.
I finally finished the diagram about the Fibonacci Matrix and related information:

A new diagram about the hexatree:

The 7th of January is the birthday of my website 64tge8st so it is now 4 years old! YAY! I did want to post about the hexaflor and hexatree on the 7th but that research isn't finished yet plus I was making a video for my main channel, which I haven't posted on for over a year, and the video is now up! I uploaded it on my personal channel first:
I finally finished the Walter Russell page on my wiki, YAY!
I thank you all for reading this blog I love you all bye!