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What I think about Trump

Writer's picture: LCLC

Updated: May 13, 2023

(This blog has been updated as stated above)

Before going into this blog I would like to say I am a left-libertarian and I am not American BUT I did support (what) Trump (did). Why did I support (what) Trump (did)? Because I did not believe what the media said about him, for these reasons(Below is a Youtube playlist and I suggest you watch all the videos):

, plus he was taking down the elite.

The playlist above proves the media spreads fake news(false information/disinformation) about Trump and much more. The media, and the people who believe the media, spread fake news about Trump without any proof, such as when they say he is racist, homophobic, etc. and sometimes they even say all Trump supporters are racist, homophobic, etc. which is an obvious lie because not all of them are and there is no proof all of them are plus other world leaders most likely have/had some racist, homophobic, etc. supporters. Saying Trump and all his supporters are racist, homophobic, etc. is just wrong and shows you are the problem. Also these people were worried Trump supporters would attack LGBT+ people if he lost the election so they spread lies about it and ironically it never happened, from what I heard, showing it was disinformation.

Ironically these same people who didn't want Trump and want peace are the same people who hate on Trump supporters and attack Trump supporters (attacking people is a great way to get your message to people if you want peace!), such as when I was attacked because someone thought I was a Trump supporter even though I'm technically not because I only really supported him taking down the elite and such as when someone said to me that Trump supporters are racist so they deserve to be attacked, also some Trump supporters can't say much either because they also attack people.

The media, and the people that believe the media, have also been trying to link Trump to Epstein and have tried to say Trump is a pedophile and rapist; Interestingly these same people didn't want Trump in office and they have links to Epstein. People have also tried to link Trump to the elite BUT during and especially after his presidency the elite have been trying to take him down plus he would have had to make connections with the elite to infiltrate the elite so he could (attempt to) take them down so he obviously isn't apart of the elite. Based on the fact that the media has lied about Trump, we also can't trust the media on any of this.

Next I want to talk about the riots, yes there is a good reason for them but the media are making them worse and the media is lying and over exaggerating them and what Trump is saying, Trump did not declare martial law but he did threaten to deploy the military if the VIOLENT protesters don't stop, to PROTECT EVERYONE he did not say he was going to stop all the protesters he said he wants to stop the violent ones and I saw someone calling him a war criminal if he deploys them when he obviously wouldn't be if you actually listened to what he said, he agrees with the non-violent protesters I also saw people calling him a dictator which clearly isn't the case! People say he doesn't want to unite people yet he has even said he wants to unite everyone and protect everyone in America! (This paragraph was not edited)

The next most important thing to talk about is how (big tech,) the media and the elite are blaming Trump for January 6th and how they are attempting to take him down for it. What happened was Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, even though Trump told them not to, so how did this happen? Well the security was low plus the police even let them through and all the way to the building so it appears this was all planned, the question is by who? The elite. This lead to Trump being banned on social media which shows how powerful big tech and the media have become and ironically shows how Trump isn't a dictator.

In addition to this, the media lies about socialism/the left(:)

, one of the reasons the elite created communism, a corrupted form of socialism, is to demonize the left, through the media, because socialism is human nature. (As shown/talked about in the video above) The democrats/liberals are not on the left side of politics, even though they claim to be, because they support capitalism therefore both parties(Democrat/(")Left(") and Republican/Right) are the same party (wings of the same bird) which limits(/stops) (the expansion of) democracy and takes our rights/freedoms away. This shows that politics was created to divide people ((Note:) and it also shows the preselected president conspiracy theory isn't true since there would be no point in preselection since both parties are controlled by the elite.) so if you say your side won, like when people said they won because Biden won, then you are wrong because the media, big tech and elite won. Also China runs on the same system because it is a (fake) communist country running on a form of a capitalist system. This system is scarily similar to the Nazi party which started off "socialist"/said it was "socialist" but was capitalist/far-right.

Anyway, as mentioned, I am technically not a Trump supporter since I only supported him taking down the elite and since I didn't fully support him plus I don't really support anyone, I can't really support him since I am in the UK and, as mentioned, I am a left-libertarian also I agree he does say stupid stuff sometimes. Also no I don't believe conspiracy theories, I do my research and what I know is fact, so if you want to keep believing what the media says about Trump then don't do your research, believe what you want, be apart of the problem and don't accept the truth; But I seriously suggest you do your research, especially into Qanon which has unfortunately been extremely censored which was the reason I joined Parler but since Parler was censored(taken down) after January 6th I no longer use it. Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog.


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