Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This is the final best moments of the month blog post since I decided to end them last year because they just took too long to make, I did love doing them though because some of the moments were funny, to me at least, I did go through all of them last week and some of the stuff wasn't that funny now that I look back and I was tempted to say some of the moments were inappropriate but I don't know if I should anyway a few weeks ago my phone for some reason just erased a lot of my old pictures but I did go through my cloud since they were backed up and I did try and find all of the "best moments of the month(more like year)" pictures I don't know if I got them all but the pictures in this post are the ones I could find also these pictures are from different months from last year so this is more like a "best moments of the year" even though much didn't happen and it really wasn't that much of a good year anyway this means these pictures won't have an attacked date but I hope you all love these moments and have a laugh if they are funny:
Warning some stuff on here will be or might be 18+ also some of the stuff or most of it will be jokes and the names in the pictures are jokes that my online friends make so don't be offended. So here are some of the best parts of the month(year):
I thank you all for reading this final best moments of the month blog, I love you all bye!