Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! On friday i was very busy updating the website which is why this post is late but the new stuff to the website is the home page has been updated to have 2 follow buttons which are my spotify and twitter i also added a link to my MAL account so people can see what anime i have watched(the new anime update post will be made after this just to say) and i also have made a new background picture which i have also made other pictures based off of the background which you will see soon one of them is an icon for my server which is on my website "64 tetrahedron grid E8 string theory" and you have seen the "best moments of the month" one also i will be using it for my art which you can see on the new page Sacred geometry art which contains my deviant art stuff i also added my deviant art onto the sacred geometry page on my website "64 tetrahedron grid E8 string theory".
Now yesterday i was busy updating my website "64 tetrahedron grid E8 string theory" i have changed the icons and updated the page sacred geometry i also rearranged the pages around into an order which will build up the knowledge as you go down through them.
So as i said i will be using what i call "Cosmic ethereal" which is the background with nothing writen on it in my art for my deviant art, well i made one today and uploded it about an hour ago on deviant art and you will see it on my new page on this website, the first one i have made is of the flower of life:
So last week i was very busy and i will be very busy for the next 2 weeks because i have a lot to do but i would normally say that but somehow i'm still always online LOL but for some reason last week was somehow lots of fun even though i was busy! so something funny is because im always so happy and feel "amazingly amazing" my best-friend want everyone to feel like that so he has been asking for some blood samples so he can make a virus that would make everyone feel "amazingly amazing" i will show you the thing he posted on instagram yesterday in the next "Best moments of the month" LOL
So anyway thank you for reading this i hope you all enjoy this day of the Sun (even though the sun isnt out today where i am LOL) and i love you all bye!